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Becoming a Church Member

This is a sovereign and democratic Baptist church under the lordship of Jesus Christ. The membership retains the exclusive right of self-government in all phases of the spiritual and temporal life of this church.

The membership reserves the exclusive right to determine who shall be members of this church and the conditions of such membership.

Any person may offer themselves as a candidate for membership in this church. All such candidates shall be presented to the church at any regular church service for membership in any of the following ways:

  1. By profession of faith and for baptism according to the policies of this church.
  2. By promise of a letter of recommendation from another Baptist church.
  3. By statement of prior conversion experience and baptism by immersion in accordance with Scripture as evidence of their conversion experience and upon the recommendation of church leadership.

Should there be any dissent concerning any candidate, such dissent shall be referred to the deacon body for investigation and recommendation to the church within thirty (30) days. A three-fourths vote of those church members present and voting shall be required to elect such candidates to membership.

Our Mission

The primary purpose of First Baptist Church is to communicate the Good News of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ (Rom. 1:16-17). We endeavor to equip individuals for this purpose by providing opportunities for worship, education, service, and fellowship (Eph. 4:11-16).

Our Service Times

9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
5:00 p.m. Choir Practice
6:00 p.m. Tom Payton’s Class

6:00 p.m. TeamKid
6:00 p.m. Youth Bible Study
6:00 p.m. Ladies Bible Study
7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study

Contact Us

Phone: (806) 828-5886

Physical Address:
255 S. 9th St.
Slaton, Texas 79364

Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 378
Slaton, Texas 79364